I'm now selling my photos!!!

I now host galleries of my favorite photos @ www.lloydshell.zenfolio.com Feel free to surf over there to see photo's that may have drifted into the darkest reaches of the archives here on Blogspot.

I also have begun selling my photographs when requested, I can handle most sizes and finishes either locally or via my on-line printing service.

Thanks for looking!


Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Light of 2010

Not much to say really. The aribtrary sectioning of our lives has decreed that this particular section has ended to be never again. As it closes it is traditional to reflect on the past increment, and look forward to the next. I have had a FANTASTIC year of photography, and have taken many memorable images, and more importantly I have taken them in even better and more memorable company. Friends I salute you! Slainte!

My last two landscape shots of 2010, taken at the lake by my home. 6 degrees F.

Happy New Year!



Monday, December 27, 2010

Fading Afternoon Light

Days of gloom, punctuated with only minor breaks of light, weighing down on my soul, light precious light blooms on the mountain. Above the mundane glory.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

3 From Today

Been mostly too busy to shoot the last couple of days. Grabbed this one because I HAD too! Haven't seen much blue sky recently and was not about to miss this chance!

Rokinon 8mm
Went to a party for my 18 year old Nephew at my sisters. The cat "Eddie" tends to make a good subject, he lies in front of the fireplace and seldom moves unless my 5 year old gets after him. He definitely has the Regal Air of a cat. Both of these with the Pentax 35mm f2.4 @ f2.4

He got progressively more sleepy it seemed, then he ran away not too long after this shot.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Night Lights in the Rain.

For the first time in my memory the city I grew up in has decorated some trees in the city park. And as usual I have been dying to take pictures of the lights. I have not had an opportunity to go to Temple Square in Salt Lake City yet so this is as close as I have been to anything fun in the snow.

It was actually raining, it had snowed for most of the day then warmed up and changed over to rain, light but enough to make it more difficult to keep things dry than I would have liked.

The light was hard to balance for color, needed to use a Tungsten WB in the RAW converter to get it looking even decent, otherwise it was a orangey/yellow.

The bridge is new and the stream used to be buried, amazing was has happened since I was a kid.

I thought to use my 8mm Fisheye, but it didn't give me the crazy distortion I was looking for, plus that huge front element collected a lot of moisture, I had to spend a fair amount of time cloning out water drops from the image.

These trees on the East side of the park were also well done, but less photogenic with powerlines and cars in the background.

A couple of parting shots on the way out, enjoyed getting wet and cold.

Whoa! I think the tree exploded! Well... actually I just zoomed during the exposure. Kinda like it though!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More Thoughts on the DA-L 35mm f2.4

Having shot just a little more with this lens I am still not even close to making judgments regarding how good it really is, this I can say, it is a really good lens. Had I not bought my beloved 30+ year old SMC (K) 35mm f3.5 Manual Focus lens, I would be hankering for this to be my first autofocus prime. Seeing as the K is pretty decent I am more than willing to wait until one day buying the DA 35mm f2.8 Limited Macro (a 1:1) macro though you have to get REALLY close to get that.

Anyway here are some photos to give y'all an idea of the size of these lenses.
(L to R: DA-L 35mm f2.4, FA 35mm f2.0, K 35mm f3.5)

Front View same order

And a few outdoor shots just for grins, all with the DA-L, it is not the closest focusing lens around but it does OK, and it is REALLY quick to focus, The only problem is that is focuses slightly behind the focus point (BackFocusing) which is a problem at f2.4.

I simply couldn't get the AF to focus on the front of the weed patch on the front R, it blurs the front of it just a bit, could be the older AF on my K200d....

This was shot on tripod at near closest focus distance, and Post Processed a bit, just trying to create a more dreamy shot rather then totally hard edged reality. Kinda like it though.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Playing with more Bokeh...

I did an impromptu Temple Square visit with my family on Monday, shooting a little bit with the DA 35mm f2.4 I have borrowed but found the field of view a bit limiting, but shooting mostly with my 30 year old Manual Focus 24mm f2.8. This year I have become ... enamored? of shooting wide open (meaning that I don't use the aperture to limit the amount of light coming in.) because of the effects on the out of focus highlights, also known as bokeh. This allows me to make some cool looking pictures as well as not use a tripod all the time.


This one was deliberately unfocused throughout the frame just to see what it would look like.

I was VERY pleased that this turned out as well as it did, it is not super sharp but is sharp enough for ISO 200 and 1/20s shutter speed. The color of this lens even wide open is really quite good, with decent contrast.

I really love the Tabernacle as well, I have sung there several times in my youth and it is just a special building.

Exit Level 4

Took a borrowed copy of the new Pentax DA 35mm f2.4 (a budget priced new prime) with me to work on Monday. As has been my usual wont over the past while I try to find at least one interesting shot each day. I found this corner of the parking structure I walk through interesting in an Urban Decay kind of way. I went for 3 different approaches and left you with one untouched frame to compare with. Don't know that it really works but was a fun exercise. I have a LOT to learn about street/urban shooting.

This was pushed WAY over the top. Looks pretty freaky.

Untouched, WB as the camera chose on the Auto Setting.

B&W conversion using A/W Converter.

WB set in camera to Flourescent, some tweaking in Photoshop. I kind of like the conflicting lines in this one the best.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Some First Shots with the 8mm Fisheye

I am very interested and excited to learn this new lens. The perspective is simply out of this world, and it is able to pull in very small and cramped spaces and "Get it in". Corner to corner it gives you 180 degrees. So far I find it's sharpness to be superb and color rendition indoors to be neutral and accurate. It is all I could ask for especially at the price.

So.... I got off early last Friday (The value of being efficient!) and ran away to the State Capitol. A building that I love, but struggle to capture due to the sheer immensity of the building. I have a penchant for domes and lying on the floor to take pictures of them. This one involved lowering my tripod a bit and lying on the floor. I really like the perspective (Distort & Conquer is my motto!) and the colors turned out pretty good. Sometimes indoor HDR's tend to get a little weird color wise but I am getting better at controlling them.

This is a non HDR and non turned funny shot for comparison. Did I mention that I really like the perspective that is afforded by this lens?

There was a bride getting some shots taken so I tried to stay out of their way. Personally I would have been using a little fill flash in this lighting setting, but that is just me....

The House of Representatives Chamber was open, and I took a few shots. I did a 5 shot pano but I am having trouble getting my programs to play nice with them... I think the distortion is getting me in trouble. Will keep working on that! What I had was really quite wide enough though for one shot. Again an HDR.

The Rotunda/Dome again but from up on the balcony. Considered a pano again here, but liked this perspective.

Playing with funky compositions, really needed to extend the tripod a bit and get really close to the light though I think.

Non Fisheye shot of the bride taken with my Pentax 55-300, just because I liked the interplay of the bride with the photographer.

Hope you enjoyed, I will be putting more shots up as I get the chance to use it, after a while the shine will wear off and I will use it when appropriate but not all the time! ;-)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ahhh...... New Glass!

I have been lusting after two things lens wise in the recent past: A fisheye lens, and a Macro Lens. (We won't talk about camera bodies right now, the new Pentax K-5 is stellar and completely out of my price range especially with a camera that is perfectly functional.) Well thanks to an extra shift and an understanding wife I now have that fisheye. This is a fairly well regarded lens, and is MUCH cheaper than any other option I have available.

Here are a few shots of the unboxing.

It is a reasonably sized lens considering that it has a 180 degree field of view diagonally from corner to corner.

Here it is next to my Sigma 10-20 EX DC f4-5.6 which is a pretty good size chunk of glass in it's own right. This lens is reasonably enough sized that I would be willing to hike with it. Just imagine the breathtaking shots I can take looking over the edge of a steep cliff!

First shot, bounced my flash off the ceiling. Problem... flash is going to be tricky. I like to bounce off things, but this lens includes too many things IN THE FRAME which will make it just a little more complicated!

HDR from tonight... MAN this thing covers a lot of image.

This is with One pass of correction of 100 in Photoshop, not nearly enough.

This is with a second pass of 100 of correction, still not quite there, though the wings on the sides are near straight, the fountain edge is still pretty curved.

This lens is going to take some learning, but I think it will be about right for my uses and is GREAT for the price!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Good Morning!

Like I have said before... a sucker for sunrises!

Sigma 17-70 just down the street from my house.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Improved Version

I did a whole new version, different HDR settings, Exposure change, Perspective correction. Better? Worse? I kinda like it!

It was a dark and Foggy night!

I received a call from a good friend of mine telling me to hustle up to the temple, it looked really cool in the fog. Haden't realized it was as foggy outside as it was. After I finished my responsibilities I ran up and got off a few quick shots. As is my usual wont when photographing the temple I bracketed and processed the shots in Photomatix Pro HDR program.

Not sure how happy I am with them, not going to get me into National Geographic or anything, but they are sorta cool.

This is slightly different in settings and tone, maybe better maybe worse.

Either way I enjoyed my foray into the fog.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Nice Relaxing Evening... Playing with my camera and the Christmas Tree.

I have been itching to try some tree lights shots this year. Decided I had waited long enough so I pulled out my Pentax 135mm f2.5 manual focus lens and had some fun.

Now you may ask why that focal length? Well a couple of reasons, first it is reasonably sharp & contrasty wide open which helps as I don't have any lenses with rounded aperture blades so if I stop down I get funny shaped out of focus lights in the background. More on that later. It is also a pretty sharp lens wide open too. I also liked the focal length as it helps to narrow the field of view and isolate the things I want in the picture.

The only drawback to the lens is the closest focusing distance is not fantastic (like 5-6 feet) so I don't get a lot of magnification out of it, plus the depth of field is rather thin at wide open apertures as well.

Well.. on to the pictures.

This is the only one I took that was "In focus" that I really liked, need to work on lighting.

This was deliberately out of focus, looking for a fairly dreamy look. Did this simply by putting the lens at the closest focus distance and then backing away until it looked pretty fuzzy. The change in shape of the color disks towards the edge is called "coma" I hadn't realized that this lens had that much, of course this is a rather extreme test of the lens.

Now these last 4 shots are to demonstrate different loosk I was able to achieve. All were taken from the exact same spot. You will notice an octagonal shape to the blur disks, that is due to the shape of the diaphragm of the lens, it has 8 blades.

The first two are at maximum focal distance (Infinity) The first at F4

This at F2.5

Now at Minimum Focus Distance and f 2.5


Overall I like the effect and will play with it more, probably should pull out some other lenses too, just for fun.