I'm now selling my photos!!!

I now host galleries of my favorite photos @ www.lloydshell.zenfolio.com Feel free to surf over there to see photo's that may have drifted into the darkest reaches of the archives here on Blogspot.

I also have begun selling my photographs when requested, I can handle most sizes and finishes either locally or via my on-line printing service.

Thanks for looking!


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wait For Me!!!!

Back in the day I used to commute through downtown Portland, OR and catch the light rail train (MAX) I loved to see this guy, don't know why but I did.

While we were back there on vacation and riding MAX to the ZOO, I had a minute to try and capture my old friend. Hopefully there are one or two that you like!
One of these is the same as the one at the top, but more edited per the feedback from some on-line friends on DPReview.com

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cosmicar MC 70-200 f1:4 does the Portland, OR ZOO!

I was really quite excited to take my newest lens to the Zoo. I have been finding that it is a sharp and contrasty lens and a heck of a lot of fun! See?

The only drawbacks to this lens are that it is Manual Focus, and it has a bit of a green cast especially in the shadows or in lower light. But that can be fixed fairly easily.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Obligatory Photo Stop at Multnomah Falls

As is our usual we stopped at Multnomah Falls as we exited Portland. This was the only time on the trip that I missed having access to my Friends Sigma 10-20 ultra wide angle lens. I had trouble getting wide enough at times.

Now these are not the most absolutely best shots ever, I was dumb enough to leave the Tripod in the Van... sigh... when will I learn... Hand Holding/bracing at anything longer than 1/3 sec is asking for blurry shots, which I got a lot of. I do like what I got though.

Hopefully some of them will tickle your fancy, I am afraid I have posted more than I should but I just couldn't weed them out more. Maybe you can help, leave a comment and let me know which ones you like!

And now an angle you see less often!

Now with a slower shutter speed.