It is a wonderful part of living in Utah that you may drive past several temples in one day. Temple building is a big part of the worship of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. (a.k.a. the Mormon Church, though this is not the official name)
Utah is the only place on the face of the planet where you can do that. Recently we went for a drive and decided to go past two of them, so I could get an idea of angles and sites to shoot from. I am greatly desirious of taking opportunities in the future, when I think the light/sunset/sunrise etc... will be favorable, to shoot as good of shots as are taken by professionals and sold here in Salt Lake.
These three I liked, the first is the Draper Temple, the second and third are the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. I have been using more and more, the sophisticated tools that I have at my disposal in Photoshop to adjust the image to look closer to reality and more pleasing as best I can.
I hope you like them.
Bikes on Beale 2019
1 year ago