This is one of the older buildings on campus part of the old Ft. Douglas area. I loved the color and the light. (Forgive the halo, blogger tends to put an extra Unsharp Mask on when you upload photos that often gives halos.) This can also be seen here without the halo. (DFA 100mm Macro)
This is the main attraction I was rushing to get to when I spotted the shot above. I have been desirous of getting more shots I like of this bridge. Think I accomplished it. All these shots taken with the K24mm f2.8 lens, at f8 IIRC.
I really like the leading line of the handrail and the angularity of the guy wires against the more natural forms of the sky.
Laying down on a foot & bicycle bridge is a little dangerous this time of day. Luckily I got away with it.
This is a 7 shot panorama taken in portrait orientation and stitched in Photoshop. I am tempted to massage this a bit more for printing and submit it to the State Fair this year.