I'm now selling my photos!!!

I now host galleries of my favorite photos @ www.lloydshell.zenfolio.com Feel free to surf over there to see photo's that may have drifted into the darkest reaches of the archives here on Blogspot.

I also have begun selling my photographs when requested, I can handle most sizes and finishes either locally or via my on-line printing service.

Thanks for looking!


Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Value of Getting up EARLY....

I have been in a recent funk photography wise, I think in part because it is hard to get myself out of bed as early as the sun comes up this time of year. Waking up early this morning I managed to drag myself out of bed before 6:30 and go down the street to a field where I have seen a fox on several occasions. While waiting for said fox (More on him in another post once I have processed what I shot) I noticed some interesting flowers on the border between two crop areas stashed in among the thistles.

I don't know what these are but I REALLY liked the look of the flower! (As always click on the photo to enlarge it!)

The strangeness of a ball of these blooms was a little intoxicating, and I REALLY enjoyed myself.

Unborn Thistle.... having lived in Scotland I am fond of them, I keep waiting for them to bloom... waiting.... waiting....

Half way there!

The Fox, The Cormorant and The Flowers

So eventually the fox that I was there to shoot showed up, but was quite a ways away, these are some pretty tight crops, so don't look too close!!! Anyway, now that I know where he tends to go, I can try to get a little closer, (insert evil chuckle!)

After stalking the fox around the field like a total dork (Believe me... if somebody videotaped me doing that, it is on it's way to "Americas Funniest Home Videos" for sure!) I went up to our lake to see what was shaking. Seeing my skittish Cormorant friend I chased him a little bit too. I am now convinced I need some LONG lenses if I plan to do much wildlife shooting! Long Long Long lenses.....

The sprinklers had been running and since I am incapable of seeing flowers with water drops on them and NOT wanting to take a picture. I did. Reversed K 50mm f1.4 on my Induro Tripod. (The thing is a swiss army knife!)