I had to take one last trip south, in part because my two older daughters begged me to after taking their sister last month. (Don't think they wanted to be outdone by a 7 year old...... ;-) )
I was glad we took the opportunity, the cottonwood trees were changing and the skies were blue. Perfect weather! I decided to go minimalist seeing as I have been to this area so much, so I left most of my lenses in the car and took only my Pentax SMC K 28mm f3.8 and my DFA 100mm f2.8 Macro into the slot. Didn't need the DFA 100 at all..... It was kind of fun to go back to the basics with manual focus and manual aperture control and check you metering etc...
Purists will likely think I have too many photos in this post. Feh, I say, FEH! I like 'em! All shots taken with the 28 unless noted otherwise. And no, no polarizer was used.
The cottonwood trees in the wash at the exit of the canyon always amaze me, how did they survive flash floods and grow and flourish. Amazing what mother nature can do.
These shots are quite different though taken just steps apart. I think the first is better composed.
I wonder how many people over how many years have walked this streambed, did ancient peoples thousands of years ago walk up these canyons and enjoy the beauty? Or were they reserved for more sacred rituals? Would they travel out of their way to see it like so many of us do?
The manifold shades of yellow/red at times almost overwhelm and yet to the observant eye are so varied as to astound the soul of those that get to see them.
The intricate interplay between the sedimentary rock and the weathering and wearing away of the surface by water and wind create fantastical beauty. Sometimes the shape or form is more important than the color of the rock. Monochrome emphasizes the textures of the tortured rock.
Heading into the bowels of the rock you look back to see from whence you came, eager to experience the darkness but hesitant to leave the light.
Millions of years of sediments compressed into a few short steps, walls of rocky swiss cheese allow you to view the time capsule.
Deep in the canyon some areas widen out, allowing you to see the secret fortresses of rock that tower over the deep crevasses. The sheer massiveness of the scene almost more than your mind can comprehend.
Exiting into the wash almost leaves you regretting the experience, yet relishing the secret locked in your memory knowing that you shall renew it again someday.
Always taking the scenic route when time allows, returning to Buckhorn Draw required no decision simply acquiescence to the lure of dirt roads and towering cliffs.
The changing leaves add to the melancholy feeling, knowing that my visits for the season are done, yet glorying in the change of the seasons that make it worth the trip.
The realization that you have indeed traveled such an austere and rugged landscape with such ease fills your mind with awe at the hardiness of those who have traveled the land before you, on foot, horseback, or even simply without air conditioning.....