I'm now selling my photos!!!

I now host galleries of my favorite photos @ www.lloydshell.zenfolio.com Feel free to surf over there to see photo's that may have drifted into the darkest reaches of the archives here on Blogspot.

I also have begun selling my photographs when requested, I can handle most sizes and finishes either locally or via my on-line printing service.

Thanks for looking!


Friday, October 9, 2015

Evening Gloom

Evening is an amazing time for me, not being much of a night owl, it signals the end of the day for me mostly, but it often leaves me with a feeling of the "Last Hurrah!" when the clouds and sunset provide drama to punctuate the last gasp of the suns rays. This night provided little direct light, but drama it gave provided nourishment to my soul. A day of rain with light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. I don't know if they could be considered technically much of anything, but to me these shots have meaning.

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