In the
Flickr Pentaxian group, we have been passing around a lens for everybody to play with. It is a P
entax SMC 28mm f2.8 "A" lens, the A stands for having an auto aperture setting on the aperture ring. It is an older manual focus lens, but a really GOOD ONE!
I will have it for awhile longer but decided to go ahead and post some shots when I had the chance. I may or may not include a description of what the shot entails, but as always you can click on the photo and enlarge it.
Rope with a bullet hole.

Sunflowers across the street from my parents.

Took the family to the Rio Grande Train Station in downtown last monday and had a great time. This is the light coming through the transom above the window and the rail posts on the stairs.

I just LOVE the texture and detail on these radiators, so I HAD to shoot one again.

Reflected light often has a special quality all of it's own.

Just for my friend Al Reid.

Ice box and a Juke Box? Sweet!

I imagine back in the steam era that this hotel was pretty cool and stylish, right across the street from the station, now not so much....