I have been WANTING to get just the right shot of the Mt. Timpanogos Temple for years, I have been skunked several times. I think that I am getting closer, I actually caught the temple on a clear day with stuff on the trees. The shot I really want is not yet available due to the trees on the West side not being in bloom yet, but I am just glad to have gotten ANYTHING for now!
Moroni in the trees. I could not stop down enough to really get everything in focus, but this is reasonable I guess.

Polarizers make the sky bluer it is true!

I think this breaks fewer rules to have Moroni looking into, rather than out of the photo, but I just like the others better.... sigh....

This is my current wallpaper, cropped a bit to fit a 1920 x 1080 monitor, but I rather like it.

It is so interesting to see how perspective can alter how a building appears... that and correcting that perspective shift in post processing.

I like this photo a bit more, but the unevenness of the sky is bothersome, that is simply due to the position of the sun, maybe a day with more clouds in the sky.... hmmm....

Getting lower and closer to the flowers, I have heard that the best photos are taken within a foot of the ground, there could be truth to that!

The distortion inherent in a ultra wide angle lens can make things difficult, but often it is the ONLY way to get the composition you want. What I wonder is: Is the composition I want a good one?