Had the wonderful opportunity to hike with a good friend and Brutha of a 'notha Mother,
Jason Hewlett. We have been wanting to repeat a hike we did a couple of years ago with some younger friends that tried to hike us old dudes into the ground. Did a pretty good job too....
Anyway, we took off at 6:00 AM last Monday the 13th. and hit the trail about 7. These are some shots from along the way. If any of you are interested in a description of the trail click
As always CLICK ON A PHOTO TO MAKE IT LARGER they look better that way!
This is Scout Falls, a very minor diversion from the trail, there is not a lot of water in Utah, but we crossed several seeps and very small flows on the trail, good to know there is a little water up there.

This is looking back up the trail/canyon to American Fork Canyon and the Alpine Loop. It was such a perfect day for the hike.

North Peak of Timpanogos, less climbed and just a bit shorter.

Main peak of Timpanogos from the North East, the trail leads around the hill to the Right and you go up the ridgeline in the middle of the photo.

East Basin, there are places to camp up there, that would be a fun overnighter.

There were a lot of bees at 10,000 ft, really surprised me, but I guess where there are flowers there are bees to pollinate them.

Our First Mountain Goat sighting. He seemed to be both curious about what the heck we were doing and a little snooty about being above us....

These Baaaaad boys were everywhere!

Mostly they ignored us unless we got too close, then they would just mosey away, picking their way across the most uneven/broken up terrain.

I don't know if they are herd animals, but they didn't seem to mind the company.

This is at the Saddle where you first get to glimpse the Utah Valley side, once you have reached the ridge you have about 1 mile and 45 minutes to 1 hour to go.

My non-patented foot to Horizon Shot, probably would work better with a Fisheye, but my Trusty Sigma 10-20 does a great job.

The final slog, this is slow and uncertain of footing, you go 60 feet, stop and pant for a second and curse yourself for wanting to do this, then go another 60 ft and repeat... till you get there, then it is all worth it!

Looking back into the East Basin. If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you can see the trail cutting across to the saddle on the Left.

Looking South from the peak. You can go down that trail and then slide down a very dirty snowfield to Emerald Lake, wouldn't recommend it though, most of the injuries on the mountain happen there. I wouldn't recommend hiking out on a broken ankle.

This guy just wandered along the ridge towards us while we were eating lunch.

Not really sure what these dudes eat...

Sir Jason Hewlett

Looks a little more sketchy going down.......

Like I said, lotsa bees!

Some color starting, next week will be better!

Thanks for looking! Comments always welcome!