Had another chance to visit the Goblin Valley State Park vicinity, this time with a scout troop. This afforded the chance for some interesting photographic opportunities as well as the intended purpose of getting some camping time in for the boys and most importantly... lots of fun.
We set up camp after dark, though it was well lit by lanterns the boys were not really able to see where we were and what the landscape looked like, greatly enjoyed their faces the next morning.

The boys did have a lot of fun on the ridgelines and sliding down the slopes on their behinds. Not for me, but fun nonetheless.

At dawn, we had short periods of sun that later evaporated. Knowing that this often happens I was ready to rumble and caught one of my most favorite vistas with low morning sun. The southern end of the San Rafael Swell is simply gorgeous!

Once we packed up we went into Goblin Valley proper, last year we found this cave but I was unable to locate it when I went back. This time I had a guide and was able to shoot it with a tripod and lower ISO, really helping the noise levels. Don't know that I have completely finished this spot, but I like what I got.

Climbing to a new spot I had not visited before afforded vistas that were incredibly scenic. I found myself wishing for the opportunity to go back to the spot for a winter sunrise with snow on the ground.
Unnamed knob with Gilson Butte in the background.

Looking back across Goblin Valley proper with Wildhorse Butte in the background. The incredible wildness of the terrain is indescribable.

I don't know what the plant is called but it is all over the place and really beautiful.

Wildhorse Window area (a.k.a. known as the Eye of Sinbad) these two caves are interesting monuments to the power of water and wind on stone.

Inside the cave on the Right as you look at the mouths, there is a hole shaped quite like an eye. The remnants of an old pothole that wore through to the cavern below. I have a strange desire to rappel down through that hole... I find that rather disturbing in my own mind actually....

The interior of the cave is positively awe inspiring, though dark which required pushing my HDR skills a bit to capture something even close to what my eye saw.

One highlight is the presence of petroglyphs on one wall. These fancifully done figures are well preserved due to the protected nature of this cavern.

In case you were wondering the reason Doug looks like he is falling is the distortion caused by my Fisheye lens that I was using. From corner to corner is 180 degrees, sometimes this type of lens is the only way to get a certain shot.
Hope you enjoyed a brief tour of the area.