Ran away at sunset to try to get some nice photos, the sunset didn't co-operate but the light was sure interesting. Here are the ones I liked.
Similar to one I took last June with my Pentax K-135 f2.5, would have to do a lot of clean up to get this looking that good. The 55-300 is not quite as sharp but does a good job!

Racked out to 300mm, I lowered the tripod to make it more stable, which helped tremendously. Though I think there is a little more sharpness to be wrung out of the lens with my newer tripod I am expecting.

Sunset over the lake. Really liked this shot!

I think I will need to try this later in the summer when the sun sets behind the bridge. May not get that smooth of water but I will definitely try!

I tried this with varying amounts of fill flash to bring me out, but I found that it just looked kinda fakey. This more accurately captures what I saw as I sat and watched the light fade. this is one of my favorite times of the day.