Now, a caveat here, I am not a huge fan of overdone HDR, this borders on overdone, but it was the only way to get any foreground details at all. I am not really all that convinced that it is a shot to be proud of, but I am liking it a bit.
8 shots in 1 stop increments, tripod of course, @17mm.

Everything is rusting except the dead tree and the evergreens. Due to the warmness of the early morning light, I had to cool this down a bit so that the greens looked like they should.
My friendly dead tree, not sure why but I liked him enough to shoot again.

Further down the canyon, I found time to tramp around a secret part of the little stream that runs through it. Glad I have Gore-Tex waterproof boots, and that I take the time to look in the hidden places.

This little spot captivated me for quite awhile, I LOVED that God put some delicate little water droplets on a leaf in the midst of rushing water just for me. He knows I really like that kind of stuff.
Multiple shots follow.

Trying to get closer, I slipped and splashed water over the leaf... sad.... sad... but there was still beauty to behold.
Happy Fall!