Last Saturday was a busy one from Dawn until Noon. Here are a few shots from my day.
First: this is a single RAW image from the middle of my timelapse. The sky was awesome, you have to remember here that the image covers 180 degrees from diagonal corner to corner, so a HUGE swath of the sky was beautifully lit!

Once direct sunlight was on the area my thoughts turned to macro and flowers. I have recently acquired some gear that helps me get closer and sharper than I could before. This was with my M 50mm f4 Macro.

This also.

For the rest of the day I mounted my old manual focus K series 24mm f2.8 lens which I think is my most versatile lens, and headed off to Salt Lake City for a morning Daddy/Daughter/Daughter/Daughter date. We first went to Temple Square and wandered through some flower beds, the variety and quality of the flower displays are amazing, this tulip is much larger than my fist.

The colors on this one just blew my mind, never seen anything like that before. The background is a bit busy but I still like the overall shot, it just captures what I was seeing.

At the Discovery Gateway I found a few interesting things to shoot, besides my kids. This is in the main lobby.

This is above the "Beehive" activity area, you can use blowers to move plastic balls through the tubing, way up high then watch them roll through the tubing back down to the bin. Endless entertainment for the littles.

On our way out I caught these two gentlemen talking on a bench, I just love the poses and interaction.

As always thanks for looking!