This first image was taken with my Pentax SMC-135mm, the colors are interesting, they day was interesting, it was pouring, very difficult weather to shoot in. Most of my time was spent under an umbrella with my cheapie Quantaray 28mm (Which I used for the rest of the images here.) I put it on so that my more expensive lenses would not get wet/killed.
One day... weather sealed lenses to go with my weather sealed camera body... sigh.
These were all taken up Millcreek Canyon east of Salt Lake City, and just south of Interstate 80.

I loved the trees marching off into the distance, fading into the clouds, and rain.
The Quantaray may not be the sharpest lens, but it does all right close up.
Lauriann and I just wondered at the carpeting of leaves in the lower canyon, this is not the most artistic shot, but it is a nice memory of the scene.