I'm now selling my photos!!!

I now host galleries of my favorite photos @ www.lloydshell.zenfolio.com Feel free to surf over there to see photo's that may have drifted into the darkest reaches of the archives here on Blogspot.

I also have begun selling my photographs when requested, I can handle most sizes and finishes either locally or via my on-line printing service.

Thanks for looking!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Just a little more of that wonderful sunrise!

OK, I admit it I am a sucker for sunrises, the mundane ones, the purple/orange ones, the fiery read ones, and the ones where I just look at out the window and roll over and go back to sleep. Love them all! Some last longer than others some don't. The one this morning probably was about average but seemed shorter because I was trying to get shots while the color was good. Really should have paid more attention to when the sky was lightening.

Anyway, as I noticed the potential for a good sunrise I grabbed my bag (my tripod is always in my truck) and headed out. Seeing as I have been wanting to use my new zoom I kept it on at the start, that led to the panorama in my previous post. I probably should have tipped the lens up and tried for another row, but the sky was moving fast and I figured that it would mess up the panorama software so.... I popped on my trusty Sigma 10-20 and took a few shots, and found myself wishing to be a little bit wider... GASP!!! yes even wider than that amazing ultrawide zoom! So I did some gentle stitching of the three shots I took, nothing too crazy. This is what I got. Likely will end up being cropped to the pixel dimensions of my monitor for use as a wallpaper. Or some other more nefarious purpouse when I need a sky.... ;-)

This is a HDR quickie taken as I arrived at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. As you can see from the watermarks I have not paid for the full zoot software and didn't like the shot enough to clone the watermarks out. Interesting perspective though.

These are from the same series of shots just processed differently, I think they would both make good 8x10 crops instead of 8x12. Do you think I should add them to my gallery of Temple Photo's for sale on Zenfolio? They are certainly striking. Hmm... Originals taken with my Pentax K-28mm f3.5 manual everything classic.


Unknown said...

Those second and third shots are downright amazing. Nice work!

What Karen Sees said...

Great temple shots. I especially like the second one. On the top one the spire seems a bit dark.

Lloyd said...

Thanks Dave!

Karen: The temple has a under lit spire IMO and I often need to go +/-4 EV on my bracketing to get it to even out. My auto bracketing only goes 2 steps. Honestly these are a step too far for my taste but are fun to look at, but would not make my livingroom wall.